Friday, 30 December 2016

What is USANA?

I have been with USANA for over a year now and it has just enabled me to leave my part time job to work full time from home so I get a chance to be with the children and parent them the way we want to.

I was a part-time chef at a local private Health & Fitness club. I mainly worked weekends which kept me away from the family when we had a chance to be altogether. Weekends were when my husband had his days off after working Monday to Friday. We lived like this for a year and it was very rare that we were altogether being a family, that's when I knew I had to make the change. It actually affected our relationships with each other and no "job" is worth that.

I was also at my heaviest weight and was not happy with my health. I tried diets, cutting meals out, going days without food and we all know now the affects this has on our body. I was in a pretty bad shape and miserable. Previously I worked in cafe's and gourmet pub so my nutrition was pretty poor. It was a God send when I landed the job at the Health and Fitness club, I learnt a lot about good nutrition and had access to a gym and swimming pool (and spa). I also became a qualified Fitness instructor and REPs accredited which I am grateful for as I have something creditable to offer clients and customers. I really do want to help people who are caught up where I have been.

At this point I was desperate to try anything to lose weight, I just wanted to be healthy so I could be more active with my children and make a SMART choice for them to see how to be healthy and take care of their body. A friend of mine introduced me to USANA Health Sciences as a business. Although I didn't care about the business side of things at the moment I decided to take a leap of faith and jump right in to try the products to see if they could help me. I wanted results. After 4 days of using My Health Pak (supplements) I have never had so much energy. I felt amazing and the first thing I noticed was I had stopped taking naps in the day. I just didn't need to rest half way through the day anymore.

I continued the programme and replaced meals with shakes, ate more fruit and vegetables and drank plenty of water. I weaned myself off sugar which was the largest contribution to any weight gain. I did a Nation wide weight loss challenge and came 4th in Europe and lost 18.42% of excess weight . It was a huge turning point in my life and I am thankful to USANA for helping me achieve this. I won a whole bunch of goodies. I also, realised I could use this to change my work life too. I have introduced USANA products to friends, family, work colleges and strangers (who are now friends) I have seen business's grow, weight lost, energy increased, people sleeping better, osteoporosis improvements, eczema improvements and the best result is no more sickness. My children have not had a day off school the whole year and I have also been at my healthiest. I have not even had a cold for a year. I'm not claiming USANA cures diseases but taking the right supplements can certainly improve your health and target the areas your body lacks in. Every body is different and we all need areas to work on.

I am still on my weight loss journey as I have not yet reached my goal. I'm excited to see where 2017 leads in this particular area. This is USANA in a nutshell. It's perfectly achievable to succeed for anyone willing to try. This is the basis for the blog My SMART self, it's about making SMART choices daily, in what you put in your body, the things you choose to eat, it's a daily struggle and I have not met one person that finds this easy.  I am by no means smart.....just an average mum who wants the best for her family and to raise happy healthy children who can live life to their fullest and longest. My SMART foods by USANA are clean ingredients and carefully put together to bring you optimal health and they certainly work. One of the main ingredients I absolutely love, is Coconut oil. The shakes are packed full of the stuff and the health benefits it brings is super. I even give my dog Maximus coconut oil, it makes his coat glossy and smooth.

If you would like to learn more about USANA please feel free to contact me. I would love to share them with you. Or take a look at there is a free True Health Assessment you can take part in. Just, How healthy are you?

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