Wednesday, 8 February 2017

What is the no.1 reason for failure?

I'm going to share with you something that actually changed my life once I realised what the problem was.....and I did have a problem. A few years back I was working part time for other companies before I made that decision to work for my self and enable me to have that time and financial freedom in life. Working for other people made me miserable I felt over worked, my relationship with my children suffered, I was still broke even though I had a job and it did not feel like success to me.

I knew I needed to be pro active and step completely out of my comfort zone to at least start to create the life I had always wanted. What didn't help either was I was over weight which just makes you miserable and sluggish. The reasons behind choosing to work with USANA was they are world top graded products to help with my weight loss and they had the best compensation plan in the MLM market. (Yes I did some research). I thought I could target two things I was not happy with in my life, my weight and my finances. The time management and finding the finances in the first place to get started didn't bother me, If I really wanted this then I would find a way. It took me a month to save up and get started.
Last year I started this excuses!

So, what is the no.1 reason for failure? There are thousands of able people in the MLM world, we all have an opportunity, we all have 24 hours in the day, we all have a past....but it's what we choose to do with that time and where we go from here that counts. Once you can get over this one hurdle yourself you are in the perfect position to help others get over it too. It will produce success in every area of your life. Your relationships, your finances, your health, your marriage, your future etc.

People are bound by this reason and from what I've read 98% of people have this problem globally, in more than 1 area of their life.

EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or a well planned lie)

What are your excuses? The first step is to reveal what they are in your life so you can recognise them in others also. To change your lifestyle from bowing down to your excuses you need to change your mentality and the way you think. Your brain can be re-programmed to think a different way. The best attitude to have is a D what it takes....get it done! attitude.

Are you excuses "I have no time, no money, I don't know how to do it, that's just not me, I'm not good at doing that, I don't like to drive, I'm afraid? etc. You just have to get over your own excuses. I want to be able to look back over my life before I take my last breath and see that my life was worthwhile, that I showed a life of no regrets and confidence and stepped out to achieve all plus more of what I had always dreamed of doing. I want my children to see a mum that achieves her goals and gets things done, that she never had excuses. From what I've learnt....excuses kills. It kills dreams, it kills health, it kills finances, it kills joy and it kills freedom. The excuses are never someone else, not your spouse or your children or your co-workers. Look at yourself. We attract who we are, birds of a feather flock together.

Get right with yourself and as a Christian, get right with God. If you are afraid to make commitment then you will provoke this in other people too that you talk to. Where there's a will there's a way. Give it your best shot because your best IS good enough. Step up and go forward.
I Dream to be is a new business venture. It is being launched at
the end of February 2017. I always dreamed of having multiple business
to create multiple streams of income. I want to spread positivity
and inspiration and what better way to do that than
through he clothes we wear. More on this
business soon.

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