Sunday, 1 January 2017

60 Day Challenge!


 The 1st of January 2017.....what a great day! It may be raining outside but with the rain comes growth, water is a life source.

This time last year I took part in USANA RESET Nation 90 day challenge and lost just over 18% of my body fat. I felt amazing and gained all energy back. I stopped taking naps in the day because I just didn't need them any more. Energy levels along with the weight loss were the biggest side effects and ones I desperately needed to keep up with 4 busy children. Being a Nationwide competition the categories were split and I came 4th in Europe which won me a whole bunch of stuff. The motivation to do it was for my family and children, I just didn't want to be that worn out mum anymore, struggling through the day fueled by coffee. Don't get me wrong, everyday is still quite a struggle to keep up with all the demands of daily life and I still loooove coffee but changing my lifestyle to a more healthy one and watching what I put in my body is definitely a much better way, plus my children get to learn about good nutrition and are starting to follow in my foot steps. These are the things I want them to take note of and not the bad habits that we all have.

Over the next few weeks I will be blogging this journey and spending time to show you good nutritious meals, how to plan the week ahead, shopping lists with things to buy and what to dispose of. Cutting out all sugar is a major one to look out for. I will be showing some great smoothie ideas with the help of my son Joshua, he has become quite the smoothie whizz and loves inventing his own ones for snacks or meals throughout the day.

Although nutrition is 80% of the programme there is the 20% of exercise to help with the process too. Being a qualified Fitness Instructor I would love to show you some gym and home based exercise you can do daily. I left my previous gym a few months back so this week I will be looking at my local gyms for a good sign up deal, I encourage you to do the same. Getting that time out for yourself is important to keep you motivated and gives you some space away to reflect. Always keep in mind your end goal and something to focus on.

You are very welcome to join me in this programme and get full access to the meal guide, smoothie menu, gym and home based exercise plans plus learn about keeping up a healthy lifestyle, one which you can apply everyday easily. By becoming a preferred customer to USANA you get 10% off your order. Or if you fancy giving the business side a go you will also get 10% off becoming an associate.
This is my dear friend Veronica who is on my USANA team. She absolutely smashes these detox and weight loss programmes and is known as the RESET Queen. A great source of information if you need advice on USANA products.
This is my before picture. I'm pretty sure this was my heaviest, coming close to 16 stone. I would take naps during the day and felt sluggish. Coffee was my life source. This was a turning point when I knew I needed a change. I had tried all kinds of diets and none had worked for me.

 This is what we are doing for 2017. Starting on the 4th January. We have been pretty unhealthy over Christmas and New Year and planning on starting the year right. You are all very welcome to join us!

I am happy to help you every step of the way and show complete support as we do this together as a team. The way you feel during and afterwards is amazing and I will be blogging the journey for you all to follow and give it a try yourself. The kits can be purchased from or contact me for help. You are welcome to find me on face book too!

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