If there is one thing I look forward to each week is I keep one day set aside as a day of rest. This day for me is a Sunday. It's when children don't have school, or music lessons, I don't have to do the school run, dad is home for the day from work and it pretty much is a day to spend as a family playing games, watching movies, doing homework nd listening to them read. It's these precious times that make the memories for the children as they grow up. Some of my best memories as a child is when we spent the day together at home enjoying the home we had built over the years. My 74 year old mum still lives in the home we grew up in and every time I visit it brings back some great childhood memories.
I want my children to grow up remembering when we laughed round the dining table, saying prayers together, singing and dancing as we set up disco's in the living room. This is what makes a family and I hope some good memories and times they can take to adulthood with them.
On Sunday's I like to plan the week ahead. Running a MLM company and working from home it takes strategic planning to make sure the week ahead is productive. I still have bills to pay and a mortgage to meet each month, so USANA has to produce some financial fruit as well as health. I find planning quite restful and reassuring, so it does not feel like work. Grab a coffee, sit in your favourite spot of the house or garden with your notebook and visualise the things you would like to achieve in the week ahead. Write them down and set a goal. Sometimes I meet those goals and exceed their expectations and sometimes I get no where near. The end result is not really what important it's the consistency, the reaching for the goal and what work I put in to try and get there.
These days of rest once a week are also great for family planning. It's a time I get to talk to my husband, because mon-fri he is hardly at home and busy at work. His job is quite demanding so this is another reason "why" I chose to work from home and hopefully one day soo it will enable us to both work from home and adopt again. Once thing I have discovered with adoption is two parents are better than one, more for the emotional support more than anything else. So before we adopt again it would be great to know that my husband can be there more often. We plan our family holidays, make important decisions for our children, make future plans for education, where we would like to see them in the future...even down to the little decisions of when to take them for their hair cuts.
All this happens on one day of the week and it's a time we value and look forward to spending together. Communication is so important in a marriage and as a parent. Take the time to put down your phones and gadgets and put the kettle on, make coffee's, teas and hot chocolates (we made healthy blueberry and banana mini muffins this weekend to enjoy as we talked) and just sit down to find out more about your family, husband, children and talk about your future.
Matthew 11:28-31
Genesis 2: 2-3
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