The best way I have found to create that change in yourself or at least help it happen quicker is by reading, not just any books but through books that are similar or have some connection to your goal. Perhaps it's about getting healthy, so read books about nutrition. Maybe, you want to start a business so read books by people that have done it before and learn from it. It could be parenting, so find some good books about ways that people have parented their children.
I like to plan in January all the books that interest me and make a reading list. I may add to it throughout the year or take away or re-read some books two or three times. I will always read the bible within the year as this is where I get most of my inspiration from and it's super encouraging along the way. As the year goes on you will have peaks and troughs and it's important to remain humble when things go right and to be encouraged or inspired again when you hit a trough. The bible is great to keep me focussed and remember the plans I have are not my own and that they are often for a reason far above what I can do by myself.
When I first decided to join USANA, my husband and myself had completed a 3 year adoption journey and adoption was still very much on our hearts. We knew we were called to adopt again. I chose USANA because I wanted to be a fit and healthy mum so I can stay active and keep up with my children and also I wanted to provide an environment where I can work from home so I am there to take them and collect them from school. I wanted to be present in their life but also be able to come up with a back up plan for keeping in employment. USANA ticked all boxes and the company themselves with their customer service is second to none. The compensation plan is great and the products are brilliant and really work which helped me to become passionate about them. My whole family can enjoy the products and my eldest son is even preparing his own USANA business when he becomes 18. It's great to do part time with the possibility of earning a full time income.
I encourage you to make list of the books you plan to read in 2017. Read a mixture of fiction and non fiction. Do some research into the types of authors that will inspire you and create self development in yourself. Dream BIG.....I know you can do it!
Here are a few of the books I have on my reading list. I am currently reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S.Lewis. It's good to read between 3-4 books a month or more if you can.
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